
Photograph of Ho Chi Minh delivering a speech in 1966
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Ho Chi Minh Once Said:
- "I only follow one party: The Vietnamese Party."
- http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/hochiminh348523.html, copyright 2008. November 8, 2008.
- "It was patriotism, not communism, that inspired me."
- http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/hochiminh347074.html, copyright 2008. November 8, 2008.
-"Nothing is more precious than independence and liberty."
- http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/hochiminh347072.html, copyright 2008. November 8, 2008. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/49/Ho_Chi_Minh_1945.jpg
-"Remember, the storm is a good opportunity for the pine and the cypress to show their strength and their stability."
- http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/hochiminh347071.html, copyright 2008. November 8, 2008.
-"The object of my relationship with Vietnam has been to heal the wounds that exist, particularly among our veterans, and to move forward with a positive relationship... Apparently some in the Vietnamese government don't want to do that and that's their decision."
- http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/hochiminh348520.html, copyright, 2008. November 9, 2008.
-"Love other human beings as you would love yourself."
- http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/hochiminh378535.html, copyright 2008. November 9, 2008.
-"Write in such a way as that you can be readily understood by both the young and the old, by men as well as women, even by children."
- http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/hochiminh347068.html, copyright 2008. November 9, 2008.
-"When the prison doors are opened, the real dragon will fly out."
- http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/hochiminh347069.html, copyright 2008. November 9. 2008.
All of the quotes above belong to: BrainyQuote. copyright 2008. November 9, 2008.
-"You can kill ten of my men for every one I kill of yours, but even at those odds, you will lose and I will win.You will kill 10 of our men, and we will kill 1 of yours, and in the end it will be you who tire of it."
- http://www.celebrina.com/ho-chi-minh/quotes/, copyright © 2007—2008. November 12, 2008.
-"The Vietnamese people deeply love independence, freedom and peace. But in the face of United States aggression they have risen up, united as one man."
-"You know, I am an old man, a very old man. An old man likes to have a little air of mystery about himself. I like to hold on to my little mysteries." - 1962.
- http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,901394,00.html, copyright © 2008 Time Inc. November 16, 2008.
-"The entire Vietnamese people are determined to mobilize all their physical and mental strength, to sacrifice their lives and property in order to safeguard their independence and liberty."
- Ho Chi Minh, extract from the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence. September 2, 1945.
-“We have a secret weapon...it is called Nationalism.”
-"My Duty is like that of a helmsman who must steer safely the boat - the Fatherland - through storms and take people to the shores of happiness."
"I'm very moved to be here today, ... Our lives are now much better, but Vietnam remains a very poor country. We need to work much harder.”
-"The great victory of April 30 represents the triumph of the entire nation, of justice over brutality and of humanity over tyranny.”
-"She was playing with a cardboard box with some little wooden figures."
-"Grant licenses for investment immediately at the fair if investors meet all requirements.”
-"The Declaration of the French Revolution made in 1791 on the Rights of Man and the Citizen also states: “All men are born free and with equal rights, and must always remain free and have equal rights. Those are undeniable truths."
History Matters. Ed. David Jaffee. 1005. 15 October 2008.
Comments on Ho Chi Minh:
"As far as I have come to understand, there are many people who dislike Ho Chi Minh, and there are also people who appreciate what he has done for Vietnam. And although I can see both sides to the story, I have nothing against Ho Chi Minh, nor do I like him. He was a man who did both good and bad things for Vietnam, and I believe that he will always be remembered and seen, as either a man who helped the country, or as a murderer."
- Ve Van Le, October 28, 2008.
"I have been fighting the Communists all my life... Ho Chi Minh is a murderer. We cannot forget."
- anonymous, Copyright © 2007—2008. http://www.celebrina.com/ho-chi-minh/quotes/. November 8, 2008.
"I've never heard of any president being so close to his people."
- anonymous, Copyright 2008. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/h/ho_chi_minh.html. November 8, 2008.
"I don't like him... his ideas."
- Ms. Lan Phan, November 8, 2008
"What he did affected everybody in and around Vietnam, in both a good and bad way... Despite this, he was a very good leader."
- Thieu Vuong, November 9, 2008.
"Even though during the war he was an enemy of the United States, he was a patriot of Vietnam and a great leader of the Vietnamese people."
- Tri Vuong, November 9, 2008.
"I despise Ho Chi Minh. I never believed in communism; but, I admire his courage throughout the Vietnam War."
- Hoan Nguyen, November 10, 2008.
"I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. He caused so much pain and suffering to our family. You have no idea how many of our loved ones were killed while Ho Chi Minh was the leader of Vietnam. We can never forgive him."
- Binh Nguyen, November 11, 2008.
"He is the worst murderer I have seen in all of my life. The time during which he led Vietnam was a painful period of time. I was lucky to survive. The memory of all those people who were killed, all those bombs, our country in ruins, it is something nobody can express through words. Many people try and promote Ho Chi Minh as a Vietnamese hero, but I see nothing but evil and hatred in him. When I was in sixth grade, in around 1975, I remember the school teachers; they forced us to sing songs about Ho Chi Minh. All of the songs were about how wonderful he was, how he saved Vietnam. I absolutely hated it."
- Dai Nguyen, November 12, 2008.
"He has a very great thinking of the future to change the country."
- Vien Nguyen, November 14, 2008.
"He was a man that led the Vietnamese people to independence. Yet, at the same time he caused such great agony and pain for all of the Vietnamese people. He broke our family apart, and for that reason, I hate him and I will never forgive him."
- Ro Le, November 15, 2008.
"Ho Chi Minh was most certainly a man who loved Vietnam very deeply. However, I feel that he led Vietnam down the wrong path by ignoring capitalist ideas, and bringing in communism. I believe that he not only caused the war, but also caused Vietnam to be a very poor country."
- Thuy Nguyen, November 16, 2008.
"I'm standing in line, waiting to pay my respects to a man I once hugely admired. And it all feels horribly wrong."
- Jonathan Head. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/from_our_own_correspondent/3059717.stm. November 16, 2008.
"He was a great man. What he did still affects me now. I always think about his story when I hear the news on television. The city of Saigon deserves to be Ho Chi Minh City."
- Thai Lao, November 18, 2008.
"Ho Chi Minh was and will always be a disappointment in my life. He tore my family apart. Most of my life was in a pool of sadness. My parents and my grandparents told me stories, horrible stories, about him and how he ruled. Hearing these stories, I am glad that he died from the heart failure."
- Ky Chau, November 18, 2008.
"I really like him. If it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't be able to come to America right now."
- La Tu Dung, age 78, November 18, 2008.
"Ho Chi Minh... he is a man of great wonders. I feel that his communism ways are wrong, but the way he carries them out... it... it shows strongness [and bravery]."
- Anh Lao, November 18, 2008.
"He has a warm heart. He thinks of other people first, knowing what is best for the country. Though some of his actions were carried out incorrectly, he was a good man."
- Ling Lang, November 18, 2008.
"I don't like him. He was not a good man. He made bad choices."
- Tyrone Vuong, November 18, 2008.
"Ho Chi Minh is a very... inspirational man to me. I look up to him because of his courage and bravery. He had been fighting for independence for Vietnam nearly his whole life. His communism ways do not suit me though; I was borned and raised to not believe in communism. His determination is still in my heart right now."
- Kenny Vuong, November 19, 2008.
"Ho Chi Minh was a good man. He lead battles against the French for Vietnam's independence, and he organized the Vietminh. I do not like his communist ways, but he certainly makes a great hero for the world to look up to. Ho Chi Minh is very brave. But because of the Vietnam War, I had to leave with my entire family to America, and I believe that he started the war! My family had money loans from the government, flew by plane, and landed in America, feeling sad, proud, and poor. We were proud that we had an opportunity to start a new and prosperous life. My family and I would not have come to America if Ho Chi Minh did not start the war. Thank you, Ho Chi Minh."
- Wang Yong Kan, November 20, 2008.
"I think he's a very complex leader who we need to take a closer look at. I don't think he was evil."
- C. David Thomas, Vietnam veteran. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-64576761.html, November 20, 2008.
"I pay my respects to the leader whose life and times inspires generations of people across the world."
- Defence Minister A.K. Antony. Copyright © HT Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Provided by ProQuest LLC. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P31400485341.html
"I am glad to come to the city named after Ho Chi Minh, who is a great leader for Vietnamese and a close friend of Chinese."